Out with a Bang in 2012!

fireworks2With the last of our deals getting done on December 28th, it’s time to look past the fiscal cliff craziness to the deals that are in the works for 2013. There has been a recent surge of business owners that are now prepared to sell – for various reasons:

Some were sellers who had focused on uncertainty over potential tax changes and delayed their deals. Some were waiting for the election to determine what administration was going to be leading our country, and then decided to sell. And for others it is just the right time.

So, some business owners acted quickly to get their businesses sold in 2012, some moved more slowly and will potentially pay a higher tax in 2013, some are not concerned about the tax issue and just want/need to sell as soon as possible, and the other 98% of the businesses are not ready to sell.

The point to this is that as we look out our windows, the cars are still moving, people are going to work, we are buying goods and services, the world did not end, and the fiscal cliff will not determine our future.

2013 is looking like another great year! We wish you all a fantastic 2013 in your business and personal lives.  You deserve it!