Another Reason to use a Broker to Sell Your Business

This comes from a recent success. We had been engaged in conversations with this particular seller for a year or so. We knew he was getting ready to sell and that he had already been in a conversation with a potential buyer.

As we established a relationship with the seller and learned more about his business, it became apparent that the results of his current negotiations were not netting him full value for his business.  His buyer continued to press him for an even better deal, yet it was unclear how the buyer was going to be able to fund the acquisition. Ultimately, the deal fell apart.

As we continued to work with the seller, we realized that his business possessed many of the key attributes upon which buyers focus.  It had been established for nearly two decades, had weathered the economic downturn, revenues were increasing, long-time staff was in place, the owner’s role in the business was minor, and cash flow was strong. The owner had done a phenomenal job of building a business that would be attractive to buyers and readying the business to put on the market.

Here’s the good part:  We were able to present him with an offer on his business that was 50% greater than what he had been willing to accept just a few weeks earlier.  Consult with your Apex Advisor to make sure that you are not leaving money on the table when you sell your business!