Have Biz, Must Sell

nestegg“Nearly half of the 799 small-business owners surveyed in August by The Wall Street Journal and Vistage International, an executive-mentoring organization, expect to retire after age 65, with 38% saying that their planned retirement date is later than they had predicted five years ago. In addition, 56% said most of their retirement nest egg is tied to their business.

If you found yourself at retirement age with only one, privately owned, non-public, illiquid stock in your portfolio, how would you feel? Did your stomach just turn into knots? Well, if you are owner of a small business, you may easily find yourself in this scenario. To counter the risks here, you need to make sure you are in a position to sell quickly, at a high price, and on your terms.

How might this be done? Call your Apex Business Advisor to find out how to secure your future.