Baby Boomers are Selling

BabyBoomerThe theory over the past decade has been that baby-boomer business owners were going to be reaching retirement age soon and that there would be more activity coming on the Mergers and Acquisitions front. We are finding that this is becoming a reality as our list of engagements and sales are really growing. A survey recently of Business Brokers and M&A Professionals by the IBBA and Pepperdine University reveals that this is a nationwide trend.

This activity is great, but it also means that business owners/sellers will have competition when it is time to sell. There are plenty of people searching for businesses to buy, but now there are many more options for them. This is not a time to relax and assume the gravy train has arrived! How will you, as a business owner, attract buyers and prove to them that your business is more valuable than the other guy’s business?

We have met with several business owners this week that want to discuss their plans to sell. (The business owners have generally been referred by financial planners or attorneys that have been involved with their estate planning). Retirement is upon them and they haven’t planned for it and don’t have a good idea of their businesses’ value. It only takes 3 to 5 years to fully prepare your business for sale to increase the likelihood of a sale and to get more for your retirement.

We want to meet with any business owner well ahead of retirement (or burn-out) to discuss their options. This is a free service, so please contact an Apex Business Advisor for assistance.