Entries by Apex Business Advisors

He Who Hesitates is Lost

This is an old Chinese proverb. Or He Who Hesitates, Regrets. An Albanian Proverb.  Either way works in the business broker world. We see hesitation with buyers and sellers every day. Whether Buying a Business or Selling a Business, either party can ask the same questions – Is this the best or right price for […]

Low Ball Offers

There are various ways to go about buying a business, but all of them require making a deal with the current owner. As mentioned in prior blogs, before a deal can move forward, a written offer needs to be presented. Keep in mind that offers are based on information supplied from the seller to buyer […]

Cash Is King

Businesses large and small depend on cash. Cash is the main measuring tool of financial stability and health. Cash production is also the main element in most business valuations. Wealth Advisors will analyze cash on the balance sheets of publicly traded companies to help make investment decisions. Cash is King! Small companies also have advisors […]

Due Diligence

Once an offer has been accepted on a business, what’s next for buyer and seller? There are now some steps that need to be followed by the buyer and seller to ensure a successful transaction. It’s an exciting time that can also be stressful for both parties. Since an offer has been accepted, much more […]

The First Step – Make an Offer

The “buyer” seminar that we held this week was very informative – again. (Anyone interested in how deals are done may attend these seminars.) One of our local experts explained the importance of following a process to get to the finish line. Getting a deal completed requires both the buyer and seller to move along […]

Seller Preparation

Over the years we’ve talked about the need to have some sale pre-planning to improve the position of the company and increase its value. There are numerous variables that need to be addressed and an owner may have to modify how they operate their business in order to reap large rewards. Another critical aspect of […]