Year-End Planning

celebrationtimeSounds boring right? If you made it this far, thank you. Keep reading.

For business owners there is a fair amount of planning that goes into finishing up the year and preparing for next year.  Year-end expense adjustments and tax planning can consume a ton of time. But I don’t want to talk about that.

We really need to take some time for celebration. I have to admit that I am not known for over-celebrating (note of sarcasm). I tend to look for the next deal, meeting, connection, or activity of interest. It can be hard for us to take the time to appreciate the successes and let people know that they are important to our businesses and our lives.

It’s been a great year for Apex and for many of our partners and clients. I first want to thank my fantastic team at Apex! There is not a better team anywhere. They work hard, in a very stressful environment to help our clients and customers be successful.

To all of our professional friends who make it possible to get deals done: the attorneys, accountants, and bankers (you know who you are), Thank You!

Of course, I want to thank our clients and customers for the trust they’ve had in us over this past year and we look forward to a fruitful 2015!

Doug Hubler