Tax Planning Tips for 2017

tax-planningIt’s time to start planning and budgeting for 2017 – and that includes tax strategies. While tax planning is one of the more confounding aspects of the business owner’s job, it also presents opportunities for improving your cash flow and profitability.

We ran across a good article on this topic and thought our readers would appreciate it, too. It covers some predictions for tax changes under the new federal administration, along with tips for maximizing your deductions – both personal and business. We hope you find it enlightening.

The article comes from HSMC Orizon, a CPA, business and technology consulting company. They have a lot of experience and a good handle on tax issues affecting business owners. We’ve networked personally with Chairman Gary Hawkins, CPA, CGMA.

One important tip on this topic: When working with your CPA on year-end wrap-up activities and planning for 2017, be honest. Disclose everything that’s going on in your business – both good and bad. Your CPA can be a strong partner in enhancing the value of your business and keeping your books straight. Both are important for ongoing management and will serve you well when you’re ready to sell.

If you or someone you know is interested in buying or selling a business, please call us at 913-383-2671 or contact one of our Apex Business Advisors today!